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The Little Blue Rocket Ship: A Story About Postpartum Depression Book Trailer

The Little Blue Rocket Ship: A Story About Postpartum Depression Book Trailer

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The Little Blue Rocket Ship: A Story About Postpartum Depression is told by a boy who sees changes in his mom after she has a baby. As the boy explores his own feelings and questions, he is reassured by his mom’s continued love for him.


Blending together fiction storytelling with supportive communication strategies, The Little Blue Rocket Ship encourages open dialogue about postpartum depression between family members. 


Postpartum depression  “affects up to one in seven women" (March of Dimes).



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As a perinatal mental health clinician, I was so happy to discover this book. 1 in 6 women experiences postpartum depression/anxiety and there are not nearly enough resources out there, especially for second time moms concerned about how another potential bout of depression/anxiety might impact her family. This is a lovely resource to assist parents in starting conversations with their young children about how things might go after a new sibling arrives. It gets ahead of any confusion and anxiety that might occur if mom does go through a rough patch postpartum and reassures both children and adults that things will be okay. 

From the writing to the illustration, this book is great. It is a gem of a book for someone that wants to approach postpartum depression with a child. It breaks taboos and opens up about how to discuss it strategically.

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It’s confusing enough for a kid to have a new baby in the family — and has Mom gone scary AWOL? This book helps you have a reassuring yet honest conversation with a small child about postpartum depression. Great resource! So much needed.

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Jessica Wendi Abel, Author 

Having experienced postpartum depression herself, and when a second child was on the way, Jessica searched for a children’s book to read with her five-year old son about the changes their family could face. Unable to find a book like this, she decided to write one. 

Jessica lives with her family in New York, where she works as a gluten-free pizza critic. Just kidding.  She has a background in working with children as a speech therapist and currently works in school administration.

Nathalie Kranich, Illustrator

Nathalie Kranich is a German-born children's book illustrator. At the age of sixteen, she jumped onto a train to England in search of adventure. After completing a degree in Digital Arts and working in Mobile Games, she turned her attention back to her passion for literature and storytelling. Now Nathalie draws inspiration from the fairytales of her youth to illustrate vibrant, magical, and meaningful stories for young readers.


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